Review from one of my lovely customers.

I asked for a flower remedy to support me emotionally during a time of change and a time of sadness. 2 of my most favorite people in my life are both going through serious health issues. I could only be with 1 of them physically to help them and that I found very hard. I wanted to be strong for them but also acknowledge and feel the sadness I had within me. I couldn’t deny it and wanted to deal with it in a healthy way. I felt flower essences would help me with this. Jan intuitively chose certain flowers,trees,herbs  for their healing vibrations. 1 being blackthorn whish always stands out to me in the spring but this year shouted out even louder to me this spring. Fir trees I have surrounding my own healing cabin and where I teach reiki so a very special tree to me. Sage…well it is a magical herb. I can relate to how jan chooses her flowers, herbs, trees etc. Someone who really listens and hears where some may not hear anything. Her approach is very welcoming and professional and I have enjoyed supporting someone that is obviously doing their dream job. I have finished my essences and I am absolutely sure they have got me through. I felt a real privilege drinking the  of each. I felt felt moved by the situation but not over whelmed. I have now been in London alone for 10 days visiting 1 friend in hospital and have been able to remain strong and together. I still feel moved  by what has been happening but not completely over whelmed. I thank you from my heart jan and to the flowers,

Kerry A ❤️

Plant Spirit Essences


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Who will call to you?

Let your essence choose you, or simply order by your requirements.

All Essences now come with a free meditation download to help you connect more deeply with your Plant spirit essence.

Take some deep breaths and set your intention to receive exactly what you need.  Then look at the photo’s and click on whoever feels right.  Enjoy.

Each and every one of my hand made organically sourced Essence’s have been hand made by myself and Mother Nature, right here in the Hope Valley.

The power of the plants is in their healing vibration. Their own Spiritual signature. 

So, rather than work on a physical level, they resonate with our own personal subtle energy field. This is believed to instigate our body’s natural healing abilities.

Just a few drops taken every day in water or directly under the tongue can help alter our emotional state and bring about homeostasis.

They can also be used in Magic, Ritual and in Dieta.  They also make beautiful offerings to Deities, Mother Earth and anointing and imbuing sacred tools.

Each essence comes in a muslin or Organza bag with full instructions.

They have been given to us for our happiness and our healing.