Womb medicine and the 13th Rite of the womb 6th October Airy Fairy Sheffield 12 -3pm


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There is a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. 
This lineage of women wants us to remember:

The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.  Marcella Lobos

This lineage of women through the jungle medicine has given us the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki:
The Rite of the Womb. Once you receive it you share it with as many women as possible.

Let’s Heal our Womb; let’s heal our mother’s, sister’s, and daughter’s wombs. 
And in this way bring healing to our Mother Earth.

Are you carrying old stories, created by others or yourself?
Stories of not being good enough?
Not being worthy of happiness?
Too fat too thin?
Do you feel uncomfortable in your own skin?
How often do you find you compare yourself to other women?
Are you worried that if you stand in your own Sovereignty that you will lose friends and family members?
Maybe you have trouble connecting with other women at a deep level?
Do you struggle to have a deep connection with your partner?

Are you ready to address these issues and step into a more fulfilling life?

To begin creating the life you deserve, connected to your true Authentic self and fully in your Queendom?

Women have gathered in Sacred Circles together for Century’s, probably since the beginning of human life here on Mother Earth.
The Sheffield Goddess temple and myself will provide you with a safe, nurturing space to share our wisdom, our struggles, and achievements.
I am looking for a small group of women that are dedicated to taking a deep look into healing our wounded wombs.  Starting with this workshop, I will then arrange a monthly womb circle. Where we can care and share with each other.

I am no stranger to the complications of holding on to trauma from rape, abuse, feeling unloved by my own Mother even as far back as in Utero.

Sisters, lets come together and heal.

From the heart of my womb to yours

Exchange £20 Concessions £15 Please use this code at checkout for concessions RF3H3GFU

IMPORTANT please add £1 if paying by paypal. Thank you

If you are feeling drawn to join but are struggling financially please contact me.