Sacred Cacao and Fire Ceremony In-person Airy Fairy Sheffield. Sunday 10th November



    The next in-person ceremony is Sunday 10th November.
    12pm- 3pm
    Learn more about this beautiful plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years in Sacred Ceremony.

    What makes Ceremonial Cacao sacred.

    Ethical use and purchase of Cacao.

    How to work with Mamma cacao by yourself.

    As Autumn begins to turn to winter, join me in turning inwards, to rest, to dream, to heal.

    Allow Mamma Cacao to guide you to your inner worlds, to receive her wisdom and unconditional love.

    What to expect.

    Cacao Sacred plant medicine offered as a hot delicious drink.
    Shamanic Journey
    Releasing Fire Ritual
    Journal prompts

    Receive guidance and unconditional love.

    A quiet,sacred space to dream.

    Connect with your inner spark of inspiration.

    A heart-opening and warming experience.

    A group and personal Oracle card

    Journal prompts to help inspire you and to dig a little deeper into you.A place to share and support each other in our growth.

    Spaces limited.
    What to bring
    A yoga mat (chairs available, too)
    Blanket and pillow.
    Journal and pen.
    Any personal items for blessing on our altar.
    Something natural that represents spring and new beginnings to you.
    Your Drum or rattle, bells, voice, etc.

    In-person £25 Concessions £20 Use code Cacao11 at checkout.
    Everyone loves Chocolate, well imagine 100% Raw Organic Ceremonial Cacao in a drink that warms your heart, mind, body, and soul.

    The benefits of Cacao
    Raw Cacao has many benefits it is high in anti-oxidants, contains essential minerals and vitamins, enhances mood, and is full of healthy fats.
    When used in ceremony with intention and the correct dose, Cacao can be a gentle, loving way to help you to travel deep within yourself. It helps ground you deep into Mother Earth’s loving embrace and opens the heart to love. Allowing deeper connection with yourself and others
    Online has exceeded my expectations and works equally as well as in person.
    I like to keep my Ceremonies small so we all get to share our journeys and support each other afterwards.
    About Cacao
    Gentle but powerful
    Helps you understand and love yourself
    Can aid clearing emotional blocks (releasing with tears, laughter, and movement)
    Enables the letting go of past hurts and echoes
    Helps connect you to Awen and your creativity
    Lifts your mood.
    Enhances focus and mental agility
    Cacao can be enjoyed as an alternative to coffee or tea
    Helps to open the heart chakra.
    When used daily as a replacement for tea or coffee
    cacao is believed to
    Lower bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol.
    Help to moisturize the skin. Keep nails and hair healthy.
    Reduce inflammation in the body and help with arthritis.
    Stimulate the nervous system and relax tense muscles.
    Reduce PMS and menopausal symptoms.
    Regulate blood sugar levels.
    Increase energy levels.
    Clean the digestive system.
    Lower risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke.
    The phytochemical analysis of raw cacao beans reveals it is the most chemically complex in the world.
    Nutritional benefits
    40 X the antioxidants of Blueberries.
    Highest source of iron from a plant.
    More calcium per milligram than cow’s milk.
    High in magnesium, flavonoids, and amino acids.
    Contains copper, zinc, potassium, and sulphur
    Essential fatty acids, omega 6 Oleic acid.
    Psycho stimulants
    Theobromine – diuretic, vasodilator, and muscle relaxant.
    Caffeine provides alertness. Mental acuity and motivation.
    N-acylethanolamines (structurally similar to anandamine, which is similar to the cannabinoid responsible for the euphoria in Cannabis.
    Phenylethylamine (Pharmacological properties similar to amphetamine) this stimulates endorphin release in the brain. These are the feel-good hormones. Also known as the Love or Bliss molecule. Cacao Contraindications

    Please note that high doses of ceremonial cacao have contra-indications. Please study the information below. In most cases, people will still be able to drink, but at half an average normal dose. 20g They will still feel the beneficial effects on a lower dose. For anybody who cannot drink the ceremonial cacao, you could also offer a much lighter organic delicious “hot chocolate” cacao drink. Remember, the spirit of cacao (the Cacao Deva) is just as important to work with as the ingestion of the medicine itself so everyone can benefit from joining in the ceremony.
    It is essential that you contact me beforehand if any of these contraindications reflect your circumstances and you would like to take part in the ceremony.  This means I can adjust your Cacao to your needs.

    Pregnant or breastfeeding.
    Taking MAOI anti-depressants, anti-depressants.
    Taking SSRI’s, anti-psychotics.
    Serious heart conditions.
    Issues with blood pressure.
    Taking morphine.
    Highly sensitive to caffeine.
    Allergic to any food stuff – if you are planning to add any other ingredients, they must let you know if they have any allergies.
    I do not share ceremonial cacao to pregnant women or people on morphine.
    Side effects
    Most people have a wonderful experience with cacao. There can be side effects such as nausea if you drink too much. The tyramine in cacao can also induce a headache if the person is on MAOI’s.
    Cacao can also have laxative effects in high doses after drinking.
    Advice for – Before and after a cacao ceremony – avoid a heavy meal. This will make it take longer to assimilate the cacao and might contribute to nausea.
    The best results will come from fasting at least 3 hours before the start of a ceremony. Bring some fruit or a protein snack bar to eat afterwards to ground yourself.

    Please do not eat huge amounts of food 2 hours before drinking ceremonial cacao.
    Avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee and also alcohol on the day of the ceremony.
    Cacao contains caffeine, and if you have too much caffeine, you may not sleep well.
    Drink plenty of water after the ceremony.