I love and believe in this essence when I am feeling weak, low on energy and fatigued.
I believe he gives me the strength to carry on when I have tasks that I am struggling to finish.
Helps us to be patient with others and ourselves.
When I hear his voice it is deep and thundering.
Which is no surprise as he is connected to the God Zeus associated with the planet Jupiter and the Fire Element.
One of the lessons he teaches me is patience.
He often asks me to look at his size, how he has grown and how long it has taken!
Offering sweet nectar to bees and insect’s and gifting us humans with a beautiful sight and aroma.
Horse Chestnuts are one of the first trees to come into leaf each year, and I always check this one.
He is growing next to the bridge that our children cross to school.
For 34 years we have crossed this bridge.
He stands tall and strong and his branches and blooms drape over the bridge tempting the children to touch and speak to him.
He really is a lovely old soul.
Although he can sometime be a bit grumpy and intolerant of weaknesses.
That said, He has lent me his strength, shade and comfort and laughter many a time over the years. 
In Autumn my house is always full of his dropped conkers, the kids just can not resist gathering them.
Even though some of them have never played conkers because of the risk of hurting themselves or each other.
Our local school Banned them!
We were once walking home and I was speaking to my grandkids about this tree and a resident Squirrel threw a conker at me 
A tale that has been retold and enjoyed for years.
Chestnuts and conkers are great for bringing wealth and abundance into your life.
Carry some in your pocket for good luck
Use in spell-work and Ritual for Banishing and purging
Wands and Staff’s made from chestnut wood are said to encourage a long life, increase our energy and our intuitive ability.
The wood is great for making talismans when we are seeking justice from others hands or in a court of law.

Hail to the Horse Chestnut 
Please choose from the options at checkout whether you would like 10ml (£15) or 30ml (£30)
Also, your medium either Alcohol, glycerin, or Apple Cider vinegar.
Take 3-4 drops under the tongue or in water. 3-4 times a day or when needed.
Each essence comes in a Muslin or Organza bag
complete instructions for use.
Additional information
Alcohol Solution | Alcohol Solution |
Glycerine Solution | Glycerine Solution |
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