World Peace Karuna®️ Holy Fire 111 Reiki Training On-line and In-Person dates for Autum/Winter 2024 coming soon.




Please email me to express your interest.

Are you a Usui Reiki master ready to take your knowledge and practitioner skills to the next level?
Acquire more sacred symbols and technique’s to assist you and others through their healing journey?
Learn techniques such as

Personal power retrieval for yourself and others

Healing spirit attachments.

Past and future lives healing.

Soul retrieval.

More Shadow work techniques

Working with Spirit guides at a higher level.

and much, much more.

You will be fully supported after training by myself and our Holy Fire community.

via email, our private Facebook group and WhatsApp.
To qualify to take this class, a student must have been a Usui Reiki master for at least 1 year and be able to draw the Reiki II and Master symbols from memory.
This class is the next step after Reiki Master and is both a practitioner and a Master/Teacher class.
It is complete with eight practitioner symbols, one master symbol, three ignitions, and two journeys that are guided directly by the Holy Fire.
Both levels of Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® and three ignitions will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all nine symbols, including the Holy Fire Master symbol.
You will be able to teach all four levels of Holy Fire Karuna Reiki®, two practitioner levels, and two master levels after taking this class.
Those who have already taken ART/Master or Karuna Reiki® will be able to teach all levels of Holy Fire.
This class is taught over 3 full days.

You will receive a comprehensive manual and certificate.

Taking this advanced training class also entitles you to fully register with the International Centre for Reiki.