Usui Holy Fire Level one.

🔥Usui Holy Fire 111®️ Reiki Training🔥
Are you ready to take your healing journey into your own hands?
Allow me to show you how to tap into your own innate healing energy via Holy (meaning whole). Fire Reiki energy.
When I found Reiki, it helped me turn my life around.
I was not in a good place, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically.
I was just about getting by, putting on a brave face for my family.

Striving, not thriving.
Reiki gave me the confidence, the tools, and most of all, for me, a sense of being loved and at one with all that is . Unconditionally ❤️
Do you feel disconnected from yourself and others
Do you need a hand to hold as you move forward?

Usui Holy Fire 111 ®️ Reiki training may be just what you need to help you

I have 25+ years of experience in training others in this beautiful energy healing system.

I also offer continued support via one to one, Reiki shares and development evenings or over in our peer support group.
During this 2 full days training, we will cover all the topics below and lots of pearls of wisdom I am eager to share.

What is Reiki?

How does Reiki work ?

The many different uses of Reiki and how you can incorporate it in everyday life.

History of Reiki before and after Dr Usui.

Working with Spirit guides, angels, and Ascended Masters. Mamma Earth and all upon her.

The importance of grounding, protection, and cleansing techniques.

Why is the Usui Holy Fire® III system different from Original Usui.

History of Reiki before and after Dr Usui.

Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai

Japanese Reiki Techniques

Brief history of HOLY FIRE® (Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand)

Introduction to the 12 heavens

Usui Holy Fire placements a new way of Attunements.

21-day cleanse, detox and and hand positions for self and intuitive hand placements.

Hand positions for use with others and working with your own unique connection with Holy Fire.

Byosen scanning.
The Aura

The Chakra system.

After care for self and others.

Please contact me to express your interest.
Here’s what some of my students have to say

Jan and I were connected by a mutual shamanic community, and I knew as soon as I met her that I would do my Reiki 2 with her. This year marks the 20th anniversary of my Reiki 1 attunement, and I was so excited to learn about the possibility of learning online. It was a miraculous discovery to me.

Before the actual weekend of learning, Jan explained clearly what to expect and how we would work together. With another student.

I felt very safe and reassured, Jan obviously knows her craft well and very clear in her teaching. I enjoyed learning from Jan. She clearly set out the conent into manageable chunks and gave us plenty of opportunity to chat between us about our personal experience and any questions we had.

I felt the energy deeply during the placement and loved the music she had carefully chosen to accompany the work.

I’m very excited and enthusiastic to start to share my new gift with the world and I feel very held and supported with my new gift and I’m very grateful to Jan for her Kind and loving guidance and support.
I would like to sincerely recommend her fellow light workers. She is a very gifted and diligent teacher. Thank you, Jan. Many blessings to you.
Bethany M F

“I had trained with the same Reiki Masters for over 15 years. After they retired, I was very apprehensive about training with someone else for my Kaurna Master Teacher training.
Jan came into my life as a fellow Awenydd of our Druid Order and as soon as I felt her beautiful energy, and recognised what a beautiful soul she is, and witnessed her passion for helping others and her obvious love for teaching Karuna, I knew with total confidence, that she would be the perfect teacher for me.
I was not disappointed; the training weekend was wonderful, paced to suit everyone, and she has given me the confidence to return back to my Reiki after a long career break.
She is so kind, enthusiastic, and very knowledgeable.
I would not hesitate to recommend Jan to anyone thinking of attending her Reiki courses or spiritual workshops.
G. Stickels

“I wanted to write and say how much I appreciate, not only having Jan as my teacher, but being literally “re-lit” with a passion for Reiki, which I’d lost since training 22 years ago.
On a personal level, I feel far more balanced and focused.

It feels a joy and definitely magical for me when I am singing in the Karuna symbols daily.
Jan’s teaching is professional, fun, and so supportive. I now feel that I’m part of a family within the community that she has developed to support us all in supporting each other.
Thank you, Jan 🙏🏻💜” xxx Hilary C “

One love people ❤️

Level 2 Practitioner Training

Are you ready to take your Reiki Practice to the next level?

Would you like to work Professionally with others?

This a full 2 days course.

10am- 5pm In person and on line.

You will be expected to do a number of case studies and follow ups.


In this second degree certified Reiki training, you will receive three ancient healing symbols which are highly effective in all areas of life:

The Power Symbol

The Mental/Emotional symbol 

The Distant/Absent healing symbol.

on the last day of class.

Many individuals choose to take Reiki 2 specifically for the Absent/Distant symbol. This symbol empowers sending healing to your family and friends for those times when you are unable to be with them in person. You will learn the meanings and uses of the symbols, will practice using them during treatments, will receive treatments, and learn Japanese Reiki Techniques. A review of Reiki 1 topics will be covered as well.

Your Reiki channeling will be strengthened by this Holy Fire second degree placement. The placement is received during meditation experiences. The benefit of this direct experience is that the facilitator’s energy remains separate from your experience. Your healing abilities will be enhanced and your intuitive awareness may be heightened as well. All the benefits of Reiki become more pronounced. Your relationship with Reiki will deepen as it becomes a spiritual path.

You will receive your Reiki 2 Level Certificate on completion of your case studies.

Usui Holy Fire 111 World Peace Reiki Master/Teacher

Prerequisite Usui Reiki Practitioner for at least 6 months.

I like to arrange a chat with potential students before they take this training.
So we can see if we are right for each other and give you a chance to ask questions.

Are you ready to take your Reiki to the next level and receive the ability to pass on this beautiful healing ability to others?

The way the ignitions are passed on through Usui Holy Fire is very different to original Usui.
Times have changed, and the energy available to us at this time is of a much higher vibration.
Although Dr Usui and the Masters who came before and after him are honoured.


Would you like to be registered as a Holy Fire Master Teacher with The International Centre for Reiki Training?

Where you will be able to purchase all your manuals and certificates directly from the centre.

This is one of my favourite classes to teach.
Usui/Holy Fire 111 Reiki is a refined energy that comes from a higher level of consciousness.
It is powerful and gentle; it provides purification, healing, empowerment, and spiritual guidance.

The healing symbol associated with Holy Fire is a living flame.
Once received, Holy Fire continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

In this certified 2.5 day course, you will learn:

Advance Reiki Training (ART) techniques

The Sacred Holy Fire symbol.

Receive the Holy Fire® ignition/connection through a series of meditations directly from Source.

Deepen your connection with the Brothers and Sisters of the light and your personal guides.

Learn how to do the three Reiki level placements and attunements (level 1, level 2, and ART) and the Master ignition.

Discuss curriculum for your classes.
Be guided with aspects of how to create a successful business.

Class time includes both giving and receiving treatment sessions.

As a Reiki Master/Teacher, you will be greatly blessed as you continue your life path of service by assisting others on their spiritual journey.

I offer continuing support to all my students by email, WhatsApp Facebook with Reiki shares, and development evenings.


Karuna Holy Fire Reiki Advanced training for Usui Master/Teachers

Please email me to express your interest.

Are you a Usui Reiki master ready to take your knowledge and practitioner skills to the next level?
Acquire more sacred symbols and technique’s to assist you and others through their healing journey?
Learn techniques such as

Personal power retrieval for yourself and others

Healing spirit attachments.

Past and future lives healing.

Soul retrieval.

More Shadow work techniques

Working with Spirit guides at a higher level.

and much, much more.

You will be fully supported after training by myself and our Holy Fire community.

via email, our private Facebook group and WhatsApp.
To qualify to take this class, a student must have been a Usui Reiki master for at least 1 year and be able to draw the Reiki II and Master symbols from memory.
This class is the next step after Reiki Master and is both a practitioner and a Master/Teacher class.
It is complete with eight practitioner symbols, one master symbol, three ignitions, and two journeys that are guided directly by the Holy Fire.
Both levels of Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® and three ignitions will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all nine symbols, including the Holy Fire Master symbol.
You will be able to teach all four levels of Holy Fire Karuna Reiki®, two practitioner levels, and two master levels after taking this class.
Those who have already taken ART/Master or Karuna Reiki® will be able to teach all levels of Holy Fire.
This class is taught over 3 full days.

You will receive a comprehensive manual and certificate.

Taking this advanced training class also entitles you to fully register with the International Centre for Reiki.